Shy/Companion Cats

Do you work long hours and worry your kitty is lonely? Do you feel guilty that you can’t dedicate more time to playing with your kitty? Companion cats are cats who are tame but very shy at first with people who they don’t know. On the other hand they are very comfortable with other cats and would make a great buddy for your cat. The kitties you see here were rescued as kittens and have lived indoors their whole lives. They are used to being cared for by people and are comfortable around the people they know, but they are not the type of kitty that will run up and rub on your legs or sit on your lap at first. They are not feral or yard cats but would be OK to live in a shop if they were well cared for and had access to the indoors at all times.

Here is what one owner said after adopting Bumble – one of our shy companion cats:

Bumble is one of the best cats we have ever had. She is so much fun with so much personality. It took a little over a year for her to trust us and know this really was her home but now, she is one of the family and sleeps with one of my sons every night! Thank you for taking care of her until we came along to adopt her.

Have we convinced you to adopt a companion cat?  Below are photos of some of the current companion cats in our care.Contact us at to learn more about them.



